
Trinity Community Care Company Limited by Guarantee – Governance

Trinity Community Care Company Limited By Guarantee is a company limited by guarantee and has registered charitable status. Our activities are governed by a written Constitution (Memorandum and Articles of Association). The Constitution includes the identification of the main objects, basis of membership, conduct of general meetings, powers and duties of the board members and accounts and audit.

Main Object

The main object of the organisation is to provide services to individuals and families with complex social care needs enabling them to live full independent lives in their own homes. Our community care company provides support to older persons, persons with intellectual and physical disabilities, children with life limiting conditions and families in need who require support. This is achieved through the provision of homecare, community care and Meals on Wheels in the spirit of community support and volunteerism. Provision of services is in accordance with statutory rules and regulations of the HSE as may be enforced from time to time.

Companies Registration Number: 235099

CHY (Revenue) Number: 11642

Type of Organisation: Company Limited by Guarantee

Registered Charity Number: 20032388 – The Charities Regulator record in relation to the Registration, Annual Reports and Financial Statements of Trinity Community Care CLG can be found here

Registered Office: 104 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2

Office: Ground Floor, Heath Care Facility, Civic Centre, Main Street, Ballymun, D09 C8P5